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維生素B群:維生素 B 群有安定神經的作用,其中 B1、B2、B6 一起作用可以幫助色胺酸轉變成菸鹼素,有效提升褪黑激素的濃度。如果身體缺乏維生素 B 群,容易出現睡眠品質不佳的現象。可透過全穀類、深綠色蔬菜、紅肉補充。
脂肪酸 omega3:能增加血清素的分泌量,可透過攝取好油如深海魚、亞麻仁籽、紫蘇油獲得,另外,攝取好油還能減少身體中的發炎反應。
Brondel L, Romer MA, Nougues PM, Touyarou P, Davenne D. Acute partial sleep deprivation increases food intake in healthy men. Am J Clin Nutr 2010;91:1550 Bosy-Westphal A, Hinrichs S, Jauch-Chara K, et al. Influence of partial sleep deprivation on energy balance and insulin sensitivity in healthy women. Obes Facts 2008;1:266–73. Study suggests that what you eat can influence how you sleep
Decreased serum vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels affect sleep quality in children with familial Mediterranean fever.
Try Raising Your Glutathione Levels Naturally for Better Sleep.
In Vitro and ex Vivo Uptake of Glutathione(GSH) across the Intestinal. Epithelium and Fate of Oral GSH after in Vivo Supplementation. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2014, 62(26), pp 6183–6189